The Thorns Prediction Game

WICC Championship: OL not-Reign

The Thorns came back from 2-0 down to draw the Dash and then advance on penalties. The star for the Thorns in the ninety minutes was Olivia Moultrie who assisted the first goal and scored the equalizer with a free kick. In the shootout that followed, debutante Shelby Hogan saved three(!) Dash PK attempts and the Thorns advanced 3-1.

None of our players picked a draw. Constant Weeder got the only run-of-play point for predicting a Daly assist, while 4-4-2 took the honors with a tale of Houston’s pursuit of a yellow card record.

[2-2 draw: Groom(2) from Daly(2), Kuikka from Moultrie, Moultrie FK. First yellow = Oyster, no red]

Saturday evening the Thorns face Amandine Henry’s Olympic Lyon. Against expectations, Lyon had their way with FC Barcelona on Wednesday. The Thorns are not favored in this one unless it comes to PKs.

[Last meeting: Never]

How this works:
Add a comment to this post. As your first line, put your predicted result, for example 3-1 Thorns.

In the body of your comment, start with the goals and assists, like so:
Charley (Klingenberg)
Salem (Free kick)
Moultrie (Unassisted)
Henry (PK)

Next, name the first yellow card recipient: Amandine Henry for taking off her shirt to show “F**k Tacoma” written on her belly. She also gets fined by the club later.
Then a red card. (NOTE: no points awarded for correctly calling a red-card-free match, so take a guess.) Wendy Renard for dragging down Charley, then Smith, on the same play.

Make your fun prediction, and give a “thumbs up” to anybody else’s prediction that tickles your fancy: Jean-Michel Aulas chats Merritt up about buying the Thorns. He accidentally reveals his bucket list item to own the entire league so he can be commissioner.

· Correct score: 5 points
· Correct result (draw/win/loss): 3 points
· Each clean sheet: 2 points
· Each goal-scorer: 1 point
· Each FK/PK/assist/lack of assist: 1 point
· Goal/assist bonus: 1 point
· Player with the first yellow card of the match: 1 point
· A player with a red card: 1 point
· Most liked/most outrageously accurate prediction: 2 points

Some ground rules and explanations/clarifications (the fine print):
Comments must be posted before kickoff, but you can edit or amend an earlier prediction right up to the starting whistle.

Keep your scoreline predictions realistic. No crazy scores just to pad out your odds of getting goals and assists.

The goal/assist bonus is an additional point if you predict the correct scorer and assistant on the same goal, for example, you say Hubly scores from a Boureille assist and that is exactly what happens. P.S. if you say exactly that, and it happens, I will hunt you down and buy you a beer!

Be clear whether you think a goal will be unassisted, assisted, or from a PK/FK. Unassisted = no assist, run of play; Assisted = player who got the assist; PK/FK = not in run of play. For the purposes of this thread, Penalty Kick and Free Kick are the same thing. No entry means unassisted.

The game thread will usually be posted 48 hours before each match.

Have fun, tell your friends, let me know if you have any questions or if I screw up your score.

Richard Hamje
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7 thoughts on “The Thorns Prediction Game

  1. I’d just like to say the wild prediction part of this game is a lot more fun if people actually vote. ISTM that if you’re going to enter you should also give someone’s prediction a thumbs-up, not necessarily at the time you vote but sometime before the next round.

    1. Fully agree, although one of the challenges is in following up after you’ve made your post to read new ones. Yes, you can be notified of new posts/replies, but that requires checking a box AND validating your intent in a follow-up email…for each post/comment (unless there is some setting I’m not aware of). So, the odds favor whomever manages to post first…which for some reason has been me this year. Believe me, I have no illusions that I’m somehow the most creative predictor 🙂

      There are often ties due to the low “voter turnout”. Perhaps the Riveting staff should make the call in those cases based on their favorite? Or perhaps this should always happen until we start getting more active participation.

      Then again, if I’m going to catch up to CW and (almost) tie him again I’m going to need all the help I can get 🙂

      1. I do make the tie-breaker call, usually by tossing my own vote to one prediction. Also, it is possible that a prediction wins even though it was not the most popular – when it is accurate about actual events. That has happened once so far this year.

  2. You are right – that’s how it’s supposed to work. It seems only fair to give a fellow predictor a thumbs up. C’mon people!

  3. 2-1 Lyon

    Smith (Moultrie)
    Cascarino (Majri)
    Henry (PK)

    YC: Pogarch
    RC: Endler

    Parsons decides that even his “C” team is simply too good and should rest up, so he replaces anyone he might want to use in the two league games next week with fans. Against the odds, the team manages to hold their own, but overzealous (Riveter-sourced) defenders get too aggressive in the box, resulting in four PKs for Lyon.

    So here’s the truly unlikely part – in what could only be considered a true football miracle, the backup keeper manages to save three out of the four!

  4. Thorns 3-2 Lyon

    Horan (Klingenberg)
    Weaver (Horan)
    Renard (van de Donk)
    Macario (Cascarino)

    YC: Majri
    RC: van de Donk

    Tied 2-2 as stoppage time approaches. Lyon wins a corner and pushes everyone forward hoping to break the deadlock at the last minute. The ball pings around the box and falls to the feet of Horan, who curls a perfect long ball around Endler (who has come out almost to the midfield stripe). A streaking Weaver beats her to it for the tap-in.

  5. 4-3
    Po (kling)
    Weaver (Rodriguez)


    YC Henry
    RC Pogarch

    Thorns concede 2 cheap PKs, one at the end of each half and Bixby saves both of them in a continuation of the Hogan/Bixby one-upmanship


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